Resources for industry
Welcome to our directory for pharmaceutical and industry representatives!
We’ve provided the following information to help you find the answers you need quickly so that you can get involved in our work and mission.
Beacon resources
If you’d like to learn more about our charity’s vision, mission and aims, visit our Who we are page.
If you’d like to discover the value of our work over the last 12 months through testimonials, case studies and event recaps, view our Impact Reports.
If you’d like to hear first-hand accounts of what it’s really like to live with a rare disease, we highly encourage you to listen to the Rarely Heard podcast. Visit the official Rarely Heard website now to listen to the rarely heard stories of those living with a rare condition.
If your organisation wants to be patient-centric and deliver services that meet the needs of rare individuals, then we highly encourage you to get involved in our work and mission. Visit our Corporates and Trusts page to learn how you can make a charitable donation or corporate contribution to Beacon.
Looking for reasons to get involved in our work and mission? Visit our Why Support Us page to learn why we’re worth backing.
Read our case studies and testimonials to hear what our patient groups and collaborators have to say about our work. Our beneficiaries and collaborators know us best! Visit our case studies page now.
We are thrilled to say that we’re working alongside major players in the rare disease space who believe in our work and mission. View our supporters now and join our growing list of collaborators!
We are proud to say that our team and co-founders have published or contributed to a host of publications, articles, reports and campaigns since we began in 2012. View our published work to learn more about our expertise and passions!