Beacon is proud to be working as one of 24 consortium members on a new EU-funded research initiative –REMEDi4ALL.
What is REMEDi4ALL?
REMEDi4ALL (Repurposing of Medicines 4 All) is a EU-backed project which has the goal of driving forward drug purposing initiatives. The ambition is to create an accessible platform that will help guide and educate its users on every and any step involved in the drug repurposing pathway.
REMEDi4ALL plans to:
- Encourage discussion/skill sharing between different groups involved in drug repurposing e.g. academic researchers, pharmaceutical representatives and policymakers
- Ensure that patient–centricity is at the heart of all future drug repurposing projects
- Form a ‘curriculum’ which will help educate anyone and everyone interested in drug repurposing –enabling them to effectively take their project to the next level and hopefully to patients!
Beacon’s role in REMEDi4ALL
As a partner within the consortium, Beacon’s role is to:
- Ensure the principle of patient centric research is maintained throughout the project
- Help develop and deliver an accessible educational programme to support the international drug repurposing community
Why is REMEDi4ALL important?
Drug repurposing is an innovative way to approach research into some of the world’s most neglected conditions such as rare genetic diseases, infectious diseases and poorly understood cancers.
Drug repurposing offers solutions to many common problems faced in the drug development pathway for rare conditions such as: lack of safety data on a new drug, lack of funding for pre–clinical research and a lengthy bench to bedside process.
By breaking down barriers and showing drug repurposing to be a viable, patient–centric approach to research, REMEDi4ALL can have a direct impact on patients with rare conditions by bringing cost–effective, safe and efficacious medicines to clinic faster.